Native caesalpinioideae and Mimosoideae species of RS, Brazil, with foraging valve – A Review
This work aimed at gathering information about native Caesalpinioideae and Mimosoideae species with foraging value. Nirle species were classified as, Caesalpinia epunctata (Vog.) Benth., Cassia patellaria DC., Cassia pilifera Vogh., Cassis repens Vog., Cassis rotundifolia Pers., Desmanthus depressus Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.,Mimosa dutrae Malme., Mimosa flagellaris Benth., Prosopis Algarobila Griseb. Except C. rotundifolia, herbaceous, and P. algarobilla, weady, the other species are perennials altough C. patellaria may behave as annual in some cases. According to the data obtained, the species present summer growth and are generally found in dry fields. Regarding the potential forage value; Caesalpinia epunctata, Cassia repens, Desmanthus depressus and Mimosa flagellaris are considered as regular forages while Cassia pilifera and Cassia patellaria are poor forages. Cassia rotundifolia presents a soft forage well accepted by catlle in several regions of the country but not in the South where even cultivation trials failed. Prosopis algarobilla, altough restricted to a small area of the State, seems to be a species with good potential as a forage.
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