Mineral nutrition os soybean (Glycine max. L. Merril) before the flowering
The principal objetive of the present work was to obtain information of avaliability, absorption and distribution of nutrients and the state nutritive of three varieties of soybean, before and begin of the flowering.
The experiment was conducted on soil Santa Maria at the Central Depression of the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, using the varieties "IAS-2", "Bragg" and "Hardee".
The concentrations of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), of Copper (Cu), of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) were determined by the atomic absorption spectrophotometer; the phosphorus (P) by the colorimetry and the potassium (K) by flame photometer.
The chemical composition of the mineral analysis of the leaves between the vegetative stage and reprodutive stage showed the high demand, the translocation and the concentrations of macronutrients and micronutrientes according the varieties.
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