The present study investigated the implementation process of Law 12.305 / 10, which obliges Brazilian municipalities properly dispose their solid waste. Seeks to understand its implementation, in north-central of Goiás, tracing common points on the difficulties encountered by municipalities for proper solid waste management. This study involved 21 municipalities, carrying out on-site observation and interview residents and environmental management of municipalities. It could be observed in the municipalities visited and in the research consortium the other municipalities that everyone still has their waste in the form of the open dump (Dump). They failed to meet the terms established by Law 12,305/10 mainly due to the excess of requirements imposed for resource capture, the slow pace of the federal government for approval of projects and disbursement of funds, the Brazilian culture of postponement of deadlines. It's possible check that at the time of implementation of the Act the greatest difficulty that municipalities will face, will be the change in citizen culture.Downloads
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