
  • Laís Gonçalves Fernandes UFSC
  • Maikon Passos Alves
  • Adilson Zamparetti
  • Márcia Vetromilla Fuentes
  • Daniel Pires Bitencourt



neve, altitude, relevo, temperatura


Snowfall in Santa Catarina (SC) occurs from April to September with more often in July and August. Eventually, the snow cover is wider and reaches areas where it is not common. This paper aims to substantiate the snow coverage in SC on July 22-23 2013. This analysis is confronted with terrain of SC state. For this, it was used two maps of the Geographic Information System (GYS), showing the cities where had snow and the distribution of these cities relative to terrain. An additional analysis was made using observed and simulated air temperature fields for the period of snowfall. The snow was registered in 126 cities localized in all mesoregions of state. We have found that, with snow coverage of 64 %, including coastal regions, the event on July 22-23 2013 was the more intense and extensive snowfall registered until now.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, L. G., Alves, M. P., Zamparetti, A., Fuentes, M. V., & Bitencourt, D. P. (2016). SNOW COVERAGE IN SANTA CATARINA, BRAZIL, ON JULY 22-23 2013. Ciência E Natura, 38(1), 360–370.


