The silicon in Brazilian groundwater


  • Fábio Tadeu Lazzerini PG em Geologia Regional UNESP-Rio Claro/SP
  • Daniel Marcos Bonotto Depto. Petrologia e Metalogenia Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas UNESP



silicon, siliceous waters. SPAs. hydrogeology. bioactivity.


Element present in processes since the Earth formation, silicon is the most abundant and dispersed solid in the crustal environment. Its occurrence in geosphere, even in low concentrations, is fundamental in geological, hydrological and biological processes. The mineral waters often contain silicon in its bioavailable form of proven benefits for human health. The Brazilian legislation does not classify siliceous waters and little hydrochemical studies focus their potential application to human health, thus, this paper aims to increase this knowledge. For this purpose, it was performed a large bibliographic review of international examples about their use in medicine, hydrotherapy and nutrition, as well on the appropriate silicon contents in waters. The hydrochemical and geographical inventory allowed evaluate and compare 322 occurrences of silicon in groundwater in the country, with each other and with examples from other countries. The intersection between the two sets of information permitted to infer that the siliceous waters are benefit to tissues and osseous structures of living beings, as well as in Al toxicity prevention. The anomalously high Si levels reported in the database and the hydrochemical and hydrogeological correlations equivalent to the bibliography consulted have indicated great potential of utilization of these hydric resources in Brazil.


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Author Biographies

Fábio Tadeu Lazzerini, PG em Geologia Regional UNESP-Rio Claro/SP

Vice-Presidente da Associação Mundial de Termalismo

Daniel Marcos Bonotto, Depto. Petrologia e Metalogenia Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas UNESP

Responsável pelo Grupo de Pesquisa cadastrado no CNPq "Hidroquímica e Radioatividade na Geosfera"



How to Cite

Lazzerini, F. T., & Bonotto, D. M. (2014). The silicon in Brazilian groundwater. Ciência E Natura, 36(2), 159–168.




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