Spectral formulations to the solution of particle transport problems





Analytical Discrete Ordinates Method, Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Neutron Transport, Spectral Methods


In this work, a deterministic approach to the solution of the integro differential linear Boltzmann equation, in one and twodimensional media, is presented. Explicit solutions, in terms of the spatial variables, for the discrete ordinates approximation of the original model are obtained from a spectral formulation. A relevant feature of the methodology is the reduced order of the eigenvalue problems, which is given as half of the number of the discrete directions. Such aspect, along with the use of arbitrary quadrature schemes to represent the integral term of the equation, are fundamental to provide fast, concise and accurate solutions to several problems of interest. In particular, the solutions here are derived for models associated with two different applications: rarefied gas dynamics and neutron transport. Mathematical aspects present in the solution of the two models are emphasized and extensions of the formulation to other applications are commented and referenced.


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Author Biographies

Liliane Basso Barichello, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS

Professora Titular do Departamento de Matemática Pura e Aplicada da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Patricia Rodrigues Fortes, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Frederico Westphalen, RS

Professora da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, campus de Frederico Westphalen

Camila Becker Picoloto, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Cachoeira do Sul, RS

Professora adjunta na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, campus Cachoeira do Sul

Mariza de Camargo, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Frederico Westphalen, RS

Professora da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, campus de Frederico Westphalen


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How to Cite

Barichello, L. B., Fortes, P. R., Picoloto, C. B., & Camargo, M. de. (2020). Spectral formulations to the solution of particle transport problems. Ciência E Natura, 42, e39. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X40952



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