Water distribution by irrigation microsprinkler





Uniformity, Wetted pattern, Flow pressure curve


Many factors affect the water distribution by microsprinklers, such as the pressure, nozzle diameter, geometry and environment conditions. The distribution is characterized in tests under standard conditions established by ISO 15084 (2004). Thus, the purpose of this work was to evaluate the microsprinkler manufactured by Brazilian company Agrojet, used to irrigate orchards in Cachoeira do Sul. Microsprinklers used in the tests were equipped with yellow nozzle which has 2.3 mm in diameter, and operating at pressure of 147 kPa (21.5 psi). A grid of collectors at 0.5 m apart was placed around the microsprinkler to capture water during 1 h. The highest application rate throughout the radii was detected near the microsprinkler, and the distribution was considered non-uniform between quadrants, due to emitter geometry. There was also a gap in the application ranging from the microsprinkler to the end of its radius as a result of the frame that holds the rotor, which is thick and forms an obstacle to the water jet. Therefore, the water distribution was not satisfactory. Even so, aligning the microsprinkler frame to the irrigated tree might be a solution to minimize such effects in the non-uniform application.


Author Biographies

Rovany André Militz, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Campus Cachoeira do Sul

UFSM, Cachoeira do Sul, Brasil

Ezequiel Saretta, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Campus Cachoeira do Sul

UFSM, Cachoeira do Sul, Brasil

André Luis Teles dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Campus Cachoeira do Sul

UFSM, Cachoeira do Sul, Brasil


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How to Cite

Militz, R. A., Saretta, E., & Santos, A. L. T. dos. (2020). Water distribution by irrigation microsprinkler. Ciência E Natura, 42, e19. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X40584

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