Systematic literature review: trends on the interiorization of traffic crash in Brazil
Road safety, Fatalities, Small citiesAbstract
Traffic crashes in Brazil represent a serious public health problem, representing the second leading cause of death in the country. Recently, a new trend of traffic accidents has been identified in relation to the places where they occur, called “interiorization of traffic accidents”, so that larger cities have decreasing rates of traffic deaths while smaller cities show increasing rates. This paper aims to analyze through a systematic literature review the main publications related to traffic crashes in order to identify the impacts generated by them, their trends, the variables used in studies and analyze studies that address the interiorization of traffic crashes in Brazil. The keywords combinations used in this review resulted in a list of 420 articles, 20 of which were selected based on titles, abstracts, and full texts and subsequently analyzed. Some studies show a change in the victims’ profile following the implementation of the Brazilian Traffic Code, male bikers aged 18 to 29 years, as well as a higher risk of death in cities with less than 100,000 inhabitants.
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