A Piscicultura no Município de Santa Maria, RS


  • Eduardo Schiavone Cardoso UFSM
  • Hilda Mirian Oliveira Rocha UFSM
  • Mariele Coletto Furlan UFSM


The objective of this article is to portray the development andorganization of fish culture in the county of Santa Maria. The researchsample consisted of 20 fish farmers associated with the Central RegionFish Breeders Cooperative, which is about one third of total number of producers supported by office of the Rio Grande do Sul Association ofTechnical Assistance and Rural Extension for Business Ventures, based inSanta Maria. Most of these producers started the activity using an extensivesystem, the first about 20 years ago, and the labor force is basically family.Fish culture is a complementary activity for 90% of the properties visited.The management of the cultivation consists of basic operations such asfeeding, liming and fertilizing the tanks. The production is destined forsale at the Live Fish Fair, organized by cooperative over Holy Week. Fishculture in Santa Maria is an activity that has the potential for greaterprofessionalization among the producers and an increase in the offer ofavailable fish, notwithstanding the necessity of preserving that naturalresources employed.




How to Cite

Cardoso, E. S., Oliveira Rocha, H. M., & Furlan, M. C. (2009). A Piscicultura no Município de Santa Maria, RS. Ciência E Natura, 31(1), 131–140. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufsm.br/cienciaenatura/article/view/9918