Uso de Séries Temporais em Análise de Fluxo de Seiva de Mangabeira


  • Marcelo Sacardi Biudes Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • José Holanda Campelo Júnior Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Mariano Martinez Espinosa Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • José de Souza Nogueira Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso


The difficulties find in studies of sap flow, about the frequentinterruptions occurred, need a method of gap filling. Time series techniquesmay provide the future value with previous information. The objective ofthis work was set some time series models to the values of the sap flowobtained by the method of heat balance in the stem in a mangabeira underirrigation and a not irrigated. For this, it used the moving average, simpleexponential and double exponential models. The simple exponential modelhas better fit in the two plants, as evidenced by low values of mean absoluteerror and mean square error, followed by the double exponential modeland moving average model, respectively. All models has better fit to the plant not irrigated, due to less variation of the values of erratic sap flow.


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How to Cite

Biudes, M. S., Campelo Júnior, J. H., Espinosa, M. M., & Nogueira, J. de S. (2009). Uso de Séries Temporais em Análise de Fluxo de Seiva de Mangabeira. Ciência E Natura, 31(1), 65–77. Retrieved from

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