Vibratory behavior of Euler-Bernoulli beams on elastic foundation: non-classical boundary conditions, orthogonality and external force




Modal analysis, Non-classical boundary conditions, External force, Elastic foundation, Orthogonality, Fundamental solution, Euler-Bernoulli beam


In this work we present the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, also known as classical theory, for a beam on an elastic foundation and with non-classical boundary conditions. Our objective is to expand the class of problems that use fundamental solution theory to obtain the characteristic equation, natural frequencies, modes of vibration and the forced response of problems involving vibrations. As the problem considered is non-classical, due to the boundary conditions considered, it is necessary to obtain an orthogonality condition that involves the mass attached to the end of the beam to decouple the equations and write the forced response.


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Author Biographies

Rubiara Petermann, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

PhD student in Applied Mathematics at UFRGS.

Rosemaira Dalcin Copetti, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Professor at the Department of Mathematics at the Federal University of Santa Maria.


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How to Cite

Petermann, R., & Copetti, R. D. (2024). Vibratory behavior of Euler-Bernoulli beams on elastic foundation: non-classical boundary conditions, orthogonality and external force. Ciência E Natura, 47(esp. 1), e89806.



IV Jornada de Matematica e Matematica aplicada UFSM