Mapping of pathological manifestations on a building facade with mortar coating at the Federal University of Santa Maria - Campus Cachoeira do Sul




Mortar coating, Phatological manifestations on facades, Damage mapping


The exposure of mortar-coating facades to climatic agents can result in the development of pathological manifestations. The facade is part of the external vertical sealing system, with a fundamental function not only aesthetically but also as protection against weather, acoustic, and thermal barriers for the interior of the building. It should be noted that the deterioration of the mortar coating involves physical, mechanical, chemical, and biological factors, requiring detailed project specifications, considering the local exposure conditions of each building facade. The objective of this work was to analyze the facade of the D1 building of the Federal University of Santa Maria - Cachoeira do Sul, using part of the degradation measurement method (MMD). The south facade stands out with the biggest extent of pathological manifestations, followed by the east and north facades, with the west facade having the smallest damaged area. Among the manifestations present, fissures stand out as the most predominant in all cardinal orientations. This work highlights the need to understand degradation processes over time to guarantee the performance of facade coverings, maintenance plans, and consequently, the durability of the building.


Author Biographies

Rafaela Falcão Socoloski, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism, Master and Doctor in Civil Engineering. Professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria.

Ana Paula Maran, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Civil Engineer, Master and PhD in civil engineering. Professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria.

Cássia Laire Kozloski, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Architect, Master in Architecture, Urbanism and Landscaping. Professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria.

Angela Borges Masuero, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Civil Engineer, with a Master's degree in Civil Engineering and PhD in Mining, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.

Lauren Miranda Costa, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Academic of the Architecture and Urban Planning course at the Federal University of Santa Maria.

Tanane Fernandes de Castro, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Academic of the Architecture and Urban Planning course at the Federal University of Santa Maria.

Thaís Schumacher, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Academic of the Architecture and Urban Planning course at the Federal University of Santa Maria.

Caroline Claudia Franke, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Academic of the Architecture and Urban Planning course at the Federal University of Santa Maria.


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How to Cite

Socoloski, R. F., Maran, A. P., Kozloski, C. L., Masuero, A. B., Costa, L. M., Castro, T. F. de, Schumacher, T., & Franke, C. C. (2024). Mapping of pathological manifestations on a building facade with mortar coating at the Federal University of Santa Maria - Campus Cachoeira do Sul. Ciência E Natura, 46(esp. 3), e87082.

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