Use of water from air conditioning units for non-potable purposes: estimation of the volume generated
Reuse of water, Air conditioner, Amount of water condensed by air conditionerAbstract
Increasingly air conditioners are used in commercial and residential buildings. It is known that the utilization of these devices causes water condensation yielding a drip that is, usually, connected to the sewage system, being discarded or even neglected, causing pathological manifestations in buildings and their surroundings. Furthermore, the water scarcity is also an increasingly recurrent problem due to dry seasons and, therefore, all possible reuse of water resources must be carried out. The aim of this work is to analyze the amount of the water condensed from an air conditioner located in the Campus de Cachoeira do Sul of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria and verify possible relations with air humidity and temperature. For this purpose, tests were carried out for one hour of operation in a device located in a University classroom, in which were measured parameters such as air temperatures and humidity, external and internal to the classroom, and the volume of water generated at the end of the test. It was checked that the amount of water generated is significant, with an average of 1662 ml, being the highest amount generated on a one-hour period with high temperature and humidity and the smallest amount on a day with the same parameters significantly lower.
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