Digital manufacturing technology for producing manipulable teaching materials




Manipulable learning materials, Digital manufacturing, Sustainable process


This paper presents the development process of a set of Manipulable Learning Materials - MLM made from digital manufacturing leftover materials. It also shows the benefits from the use of such materials in public elementary school classrooms. The methodology adopted included the creation of a working group involving teachers from elementary schools, researchers from a university and a student from an undergraduate course in Architecture and Urban Planning. The demand for materials was organized by school teachers, while the group of researchers, with the student support, was responsible for preparing the design and manufacturing of the MLM through a digital manufacturing process. As a result, several MLM were created and used in the classroom. There were improvements in the learning process through the employment of the MLM produced, and possible improvements to MLM were identified.


Author Biographies

Júlio César Pinheiro Pires, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Possui doutorado em Design pela UFRGS (2017), mestrado em Design pela UFRGS (2010) e graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Unisinos (2004). Professor adjunto no curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (graduação e pós-graduação). Líder do grupo de pesquisa ModeLAB - Laboratório de Modelagem em Arquitetura/CNPq 2018. Tem experiência nas áreas de Design e Arquitetura, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Modelagem paramétrica/algorítmica, geração distribuída de energia, design da informação e aplicativos web-based.

Aila Dalene Bredow, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Architecture and Urbanism student at UFSM Cachoeira do Sul campus


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How to Cite

Pires, J. C. P., & Bredow, A. D. (2024). Digital manufacturing technology for producing manipulable teaching materials. Ciência E Natura, 46(esp. 3), e86936.