Parametric simulator of legal guidelines for urban growth
Information design, Parametric simulator, Urban planningAbstract
According to the Estatuto da Cidade (Federal Law No. 10,257/01), municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants must have their growth regulated by the Master Plan, which establishes physical order, planning of the city and directs investment priorities. The image of the city is the result of the master plan, showing the importance of planning tools. However, it come as laws, texts, decrees, and other written ways, which sometimes become difficult to communicate. The present moment of the computational technology allows the elaboration of a set of systems that help the planning activities and understanding of the phenomena of the cities physical growth. This study intends to organize data related to urban planning legislation and show them through virtual simulators. Users are able to verify and understand the application of regulatory plans, how the restrictions and permissions to the buildings work, and to visualize the application of these rules in a terrain and / or urban clipping in parametric form. Municipalities and planners, AEC professionals and the population can use the products elaborated from this research in general, as well as teaching / learning tools in architecture and urban planning courses, civil engineering among others in this area.
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