Advancing urban planning and autonomous vehicles integration through scaled models




Autonomous vehicles, Urban planning, Scaled models


In the evolving landscape of urban planning and transportation, the integration of autonomous vehicles (AVs) into the urban environment presents a transformative opportunity. This paper explores the potential of scaled models in advancing urban planning and AV integration, highlighting the intricate interdependence of transportation systems, urban planning, and socio-economic factors. The emergence of AVs promises unparalleled efficiency, safety, and environmental sustainability in urban mobility. However, their successful integration necessitates meticulous planning and a comprehensive understanding of the urban landscape. Scaled models offer a dynamic platform for urban planners and policymakers to simulate, assess, and strategize the incorporation of AVs into cities, enabling the visualization of potential changes and the formulation of sustainable and equitable development strategies. Despite the promising prospects of scaled models, challenges such as scaling accuracy and the simplification of complex urban dynamics persist. Addressing these challenges is crucial for bridging the gap between model experiments and real-world urban complexities. By harnessing the power of scaled models, this paper aims to deepen our understanding of the interaction between AVs and urban environments and to strategize their integration, marking a significant step towards smarter, safer, and more sustainable cities.


Author Biographies

Felipe Caleffi, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Master in Transport Systems Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2013). PhD in Transport Systems Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2018). Post-doctorate in Transport Systems Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2019).

Lauren da Silva Rodrigues, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Lauren da Silva Rodrigues is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree in architecture from the University of Santa Maria – Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. Member of the Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Maria, Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, RS.

Joice da Silva Stamboroski, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Joice da Silva Stamboroski is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree in architecture from the University of Santa Maria – Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. Member of the Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Maria, Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, RS.

Braian Vargas Rorig, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Braian Vargas Rorig is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Santa Maria – Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. Member of the Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Maria, Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, RS.

Vanessa Zuchetto, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Vanessa Zuchetto is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree in Logistics and Transportation Engineering from the University of Santa Maria – Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. Member of the Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Maria, Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, RS.

Ítalo Brum Raguzzoni, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Ítalo Brum Raguzzoni is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree in Logistics and Transportation Engineering from the University of Santa Maria – Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. Member of the Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Maria, Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, RS.

Roberto Vidal dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Roberto Vidal dos Santos is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree in Logistics and Transportation Engineering from the University of Santa Maria – Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. Member of the Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Maria, Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, RS.

Julia Brettas da Silva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Julia Brettas da Silva is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree in Logistics and Transportation Engineering from the University of Santa Maria – Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. Member of the Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Maria, Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, RS.

Vinicius da Rosa, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Vinicius da Rosa is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree in Logistics and Transportation Engineering from the University of Santa Maria – Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. Member of the Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Maria, Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, RS.

Fernando Machado, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Fernando Machado is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Santa Maria – Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. Member of the Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Maria, Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, RS.


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How to Cite

Caleffi, F., Rodrigues, L. da S., Stamboroski, J. da S., Rorig, B. V., Zuchetto, V., Raguzzoni, Ítalo B., Santos, R. V. dos, Silva, J. B. da, Rosa, V. da, & Machado, F. (2024). Advancing urban planning and autonomous vehicles integration through scaled models. Ciência E Natura, 46(esp. 3), e86771.

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