A systematic review of hardware technologies for small-scale self-driving cars





Autonomous vehicles, Small-scaled vehicles, Self-driving cars


Autonomous vehicle (AV) technology has the potential to revolutionize the transportation and logistics industry, making it more efficient and safer. However, testing such technologies is often limited by time, space, and cost constraints. Therefore, in recent years, several initiatives have emerged to test autonomous software and hardware on scaled vehicles. In order to provide guidance for future research, this systematic literature review was conducted to provide an overview of the literature surrounding small-scale self-driving cars, summarizing the current autonomous platforms deployed and focusing on the hardware developments in this field. Through the use of databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, Springer Link, Wiley, ACM Digital Library, and the TRID, 38 eligible studies that present small-scale testing of self-driving cars were identified and reviewed. The results indicated that publications on the topic are relatively new, with only the last four years showing an increase in the number of publications. Additionally, most papers only presented preliminary results, highlighting the potential for further research and development in the field. Research papers predominantly focused on software rather than hardware.


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Author Biographies

Felipe Caleffi, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

He received the M.Sc. degree in Transport Systems Engineering and the Ph.D. degree from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 2013 and 2018, respectively. Since April 2019, he has been a Professor at the University of Santa Maria – Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, in the Transport and Logistics Engineering course. He did the Post-Doctoral Research also with the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.

Lauren da Silva Rodrigues, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

She is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree in architecture from the University of Santa Maria – Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. She is currently under scholarship to work in in a project studying the connection of urban planning and autonomous vehicles.

Joice da Silva Stamboroski, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

She is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree in architecture from the University of Santa Maria – Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. She is currently under scholarship to work in in a project studying the connection of urban planning and autonomous vehicles.

Braian Vargas Rorig, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

He is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree in Electrical engineering from the University of Santa Maria – Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. He is currently under scholarship to work in in a project studying the connection of urban planning and autonomous vehicles.

Maria Manoela Cardoso dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

She is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree in Logistics and Transportation engineering from the University of Santa Maria – Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. She is currently under scholarship to work in in a project studying the connection of urban planning and autonomous vehicles.

Vanessa Zuchetto, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

She is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree in Logistics and Transportation engineering from the University of Santa Maria – Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. She is currently under scholarship to work in in a project studying the connection of urban planning and autonomous vehicles.

Ítalo Brum Raguzzoni, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

He is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree in Logistics and Transportation engineering from the University of Santa Maria – Campus of Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. He is currently under scholarship to work in in a project studying the connection of urban planning and autonomous vehicles.



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How to Cite

Caleffi, F., Rodrigues, L. da S., Stamboroski, J. da S., Rorig, B. V., Santos, M. M. C. dos, Zuchetto, V., & Raguzzoni, Ítalo B. (2023). A systematic review of hardware technologies for small-scale self-driving cars. Ciência E Natura, 45(esp. 1), 84071. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X84071

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