Codimension one bifurcations of discontinuous vector fields - the boundary saddle and node cases




Bifurcation, Regularization, Discontinuous vector field


We use the method of regularization of discontinuous vector fields, as described by (Sotomayor and Teixeira, 1998), to explain, in terms of the classical smooth bifurcation, two codimension one bifurcations of families of discontinuous vector fields generated by the collision of a saddle with the discontinuity set, and the collision of a node with the discontinuity set. These bifurcations are contained in the list presented both by in (Filippov, 1998), and by in (Kuznetsov et al., 2003).


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Author Biographies

Anderson Luiz Maciel, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Scientific Computing from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2003), a Master's degree in Mathematics and Scientific Computing from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2005) and a PhD in Applied Mathematics (2009) from the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of USP under the supervision of Jorge Sotomayor. He has experience in Mathematics, with an emphasis on Dynamical Systems and ergodic theory.

Aline De Lurdes Zuliani Lunkes, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

PhD in Computational Modeling from the National Scientific Computing Laboratory (2023).


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How to Cite

Maciel, A. L., & Lunkes, A. D. L. Z. (2025). Codimension one bifurcations of discontinuous vector fields - the boundary saddle and node cases. Ciência E Natura, 46.

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