Climatology of the height of the atmospheric boundary layer in the Central Amazon




Planetary Boundary Layer, Amazon forest, PBL growth rate


The Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) is the lower portion of the atmosphere and interacts directly with the surface. The height of the PBL is a key parameter for several áreas of knowledge, especially for Weather and climate forecasting, pollutant distribution and air quality. In this work, data from a ceilometer located at the ATTO experimental site (Amazon Tall Tower Observatory) were used to obtain the PBL height between the years 2014 to 2020. The results showed that in El Niño years the height of the PBL has greater amplitudes When compared to La Niña years. It was that the month with the greatest amplitude of the PBL height is September.


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Author Biographies

Carla Maria Alves de Souza, National Institute of Amazonian Research

Master's student at the Postgraduate Program in Climate and Environment, INPA/UEA.

Cleo Quaresma Dias Junior, Federal Institute of Pará

PhD in Climate and Environment by the National Institute for Research in the Amazon

Hardiney Martins, Federal Institute of Pará


Flávio Augusto Farias D'Oliveira, Federal Institute of Pará

PhD in Environmental Sciences from the Federal University of Pará

Luiz Augusto Toledo Machado, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry

PhD in Life Sciences - Universite de Paris

Rayonil Gomes Carneiro, National Institute for Space Research

PhD in Meteorology from the post-graduate program of the National Institute for Space Research - INPE

Gilberto Fernando Fisch, Universidade de Taubaté

PhD in Meteorology from the National Institute for Space Research


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How to Cite

Souza, C. M. A. de, Dias Junior, C. Q., Martins, H. S., D’Oliveira, F. A. F., Machado, L. A. T., Carneiro, R. G., & Fisch, G. F. (2023). Climatology of the height of the atmospheric boundary layer in the Central Amazon. Ciência E Natura, 45(esp. 2), e80266.

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