Making chocolate sweets and the statistical analysis of experimental data
Foods, Experimentation, Active methodologiesAbstract
This is a didactic proposal for the introduction of data processing concepts using typical Brazilian chocolate sweets, called brigadeiros. The methodology consisted of distributing a packaging of brigadeiro to each of the groups: blue, orange and green. The groups had to make the brigadeiros in the dimensions they wanted, proceeding with their quantification and weighing. Statistical analysis was based on hypothesis tests (p<0.05) in which the average mass of sweets obtained by the groups was compared in relation to the reference value and the performance of the groups among themselves. It was observed that 29, 20 and 16 sweets were made with average masses of 16.4±2.2; 24.6±4.5 and 28.5±8.7g for the blue, orange and green groups, respectively. The groups' precision and accuracy were blue>orange>green. The unpaired t-test, confidence interval for the mean and ANOVA suggested a significant difference between all groups. However, Tukey's test identified only the brigadeiros in the blue group as different from the other groups. In addition to the insertion of statistical concepts, carrying out this didactic proposal can stimulate teaching practice, involving the student and promoting meaningful learning. This experiment is fast, practical and inexpensive, and can be applied at any level and/or area of knowledge.
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