Mazaceae in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil): new records of Mazus pumilus (Burm.f) Steenis




New record, Exotic species, Naturalized species


Mazaceae in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil): new records of Mazus pumilus (Burm.f) Steenis. This work contributes to the knowledge about the naturalized species existing in Brazil, with a historical review of the records of Mazus pumilus in the national territory and with the report of the news records of the Mazaceae family for the Pampa biome and the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil, with the occurrence of M. pumilus in the municipalities of Santa Maria and Pelotas. The material was photographed in situ, collected, and registered in herbaria SMDB and ECT.


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Author Biographies

Lucas Gonçalves da Cunha, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Graduation in Environmental Management from the Federal University of Santa Maria, Specialization in Urban Ecology from the International University Center, currently studying Forest Engineering - UFSM and Master's Degree in Educational Technologies in Network - UFSM.

Laura Luz Nunes, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Master's student in Botany (PPGBOT - UFRGS), CAPES/DS scholarship holder, working on the taxonomy of the genus Glechon (Lamiaceae). Graduated in the Bachelor of Biological Sciences course at UFPel, she is fluent in English. During graduation, he carried out voluntary activities for digitizing specimens at the PEL Herbarium (UFPel) from April to August 2018, interned at the Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory - UFPEL from May 2019 to November 2020 and was a CNPq fellow at the ECT Herbarium ( Embrapa Temperate Climate) focusing on the study of the order Lamiales, operating from October 2020 to December 2022.

Gustavo Heiden, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation

Degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Pelotas, a Master's degree in Botany from the National School of Tropical Botany of the Botanical Garden Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro and a PhD in Botany from the University of São Paulo, with a period of sandwich doctorate at the University of Gothenburg , Sweden. He specializes in Baccharis (Asteraceae: Astereae) and works in genetic resources, pre-breeding and applied botany in floristic, taxonomic, evolutionary and biogeographical studies of plant lineages in areas with subtropical and temperate climates.

Thais Scotti do Canto-Dorow, Universidade Franciscana

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Santa Maria, master's and doctorate in Sciences/Botany from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Has experience in Plant Taxonomy, mainly in the following subjects: Poaceae (Digitaria) and taxonomy of angiosperms. Leader of the Science and Mathematics Teaching Research Group - GPECIM (CNPq Directory of Research Groups).


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How to Cite

Cunha, L. G. da, Nunes, L. L., Heiden, G., & Canto-Dorow, T. S. do. (2024). Mazaceae in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil): new records of Mazus pumilus (Burm.f) Steenis. Ciência E Natura, 46, e74652.


