Space-time evaluation of physical parameters around the Barra do Juá/Pernambuco dam from Landsat-8 Images
Remote sensing, Physical parameters, Digital image processingAbstract
Remote sensing makes it possible to identify in real time changes in the earth's surface resulting from various natural phenomena and anthropic processes. The quantification of physical parameters obtained from remote sensing data is of great importance in environmental studies around water dams. Favoring the establishment of sustainable use and occupations, especially in the caatinga biome. This study aims to evaluate the space-time behavior of physical parameters (Normalized Difference Index – NDVI, Surface Albedo and Surface Temperature) in the surroundings of the Barra do Juá Dam/Pernambuco from technical data of remote sensing. Images from the Landsat-8 satellite OLI and TIRS sensors acquired from 2013 to 2021 through the Google Earth Engine cloud platform were used. Analyzes were based on time series interpretation, zonal statistics and linear regression. The spatial dynamics and the dry period influenced the physical parameters. Native vegetation showed the highest NDVI values in relation to exposed soil. Albedo and surface temperature showed inverse values to the NDVI, with lower values for native vegetation.The physical parameters studied showed a seasonal behavior for the years 2013 to 2021, showing an environmental relationship with climate dynamics and vegetative development as a result of water availability in the semi-arid region.
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