Aflatoxin M1 in milk and dairy products in Brazil: a review of characteristics, contamination, human exposure and health risks
Food Safety, Emerging contaminant, Estimated daily intakeAbstract
This paper aimed to present a review of the presence of aflatoxin M1 in milk and dairy products in Brazil, along with its characteristics and potential risks to human health. Overall, most studies analyzed during the defined period of this review (2013 to May 2023) reported average concentrations of AFM1 within the limits established by Brazilian legislation for milk, powdered milk, and cheese. However, considering the consumption of milk and dairy products by more vulnerable groups, such as children, two studies reported levels of AFM1 above the limits established for aflatoxins in different regions of Brazil. Thus, a more rigorous inspection by the responsible Brazilian authorities is necessary. Furthermore, since AFM1 is the only mycotoxin present in milk relevant to public health, it is important to continue conducting studies on the detection and determination of aflatoxins in milk and dairy products. This is necessary to monitor these contaminants and estimate the levels to which the population is exposed.
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