Study of the relation of air quality and meteorological variables in the occurrence of respiratory morbidity
Respiratory Diseases, Particulate Matter, Atmospheric PollutantsAbstract
Atmospheric pollution is responsible for several damages to human health. The respiratory system has direct contact with the external environment and can absorb harmful elements present in the atmosphere causing acute and chronic respiratory diseases. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the associations among air quality, meteorological variables, and the number of hospital admissions for respiratory diseases in the city of Canoas/RS between January 2014 and December 2018. For the statistical correlation among these factors, the Pearson correlation (r) was used through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software, version 26.0 for Windows, considering significant when p<0.05. The air quality parameters, PM10, NO2, and O3, exceeded the limits recommended by regulatory agencies. In the hospital admissions records, there was a greater registry of hospitalizations of males and in the elderly age group. It is possible to verify a significant correlation between air pollutants and hospital admissions, as well as meteorological variables. Therefore, it is necessary the implementation of effective policies and practices to minimize the health risks associated with air pollution and thus decrease the adverse effects related to this exposure.
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