Evaluation of the antioxidant and photoprotective potential of plants from the Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia
Vegetable extract, Photoprotection, Antioxidant, Optimized extraction, PhenolicsAbstract
Study of the many therapeutic and pharmacological actions of plants that result from the benefits of secondary metabolites, is an important part of appreciating and understanding the rich biodiversity of Brazilian biomes. The objective of this study was to investigate the antioxidant and photoprotective properties of extracts optimized through simple centroid planning of a solvent mixture of Copaifera lucens Dwyer, Schnella angulosa (Vogel) Wunderlin, and Miconia albicans (SW) Triana collected from the Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia, Brazil. The results showed that all extracts were dependent on DPPH concentration for antioxidant activity. S. angulosa (EC50 21.37 and IAA 1.40) and (EC50 37.21 and IAA 0.80) were considered active. However, photoprotective activity was not significant (FPS < 6).
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