Growth of fingerlings in different stocking densities in tropical aquaponic system of basil production
Aquaponics, nutrient cycling, water recirculation, fish productionAbstract
Aquaponics proposes a synergistic relationship between aquaculture and hydroponic production, with the principle of imitating nature, favoring nutrient cycling and water recirculation. The aim of this work was to evaluate fish and vegetable production, as well as water quality in the constituents of small-scale tropical aquaponic systems. The fish systems consisted of tanks with 3m³ of volume and different densities, T1 (72 fish-³); T2 (144 fish-³); T3 (216 fish-³), populated with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), with filters for the nitrification process. Plant production systems have 12 channels (6m long) of PCV per fish tank, filled with gravel and spacing 15 cm per plant, basil (Ocimum basilicum). The experiment lasted 45 days, being replicated. For the analysis of fish and plant performance, biometrics were performed every 15 days. The results demonstrate that animal growth, evaluated by weight gain, total length and standard length of the treatments did not show statistically significant differences, as well as for plant parameters, but in all treatments both showed satisfactory growth. The water quality parameters remained as recommended for aquaponics. Aquaponic systems have demonstrated their viability in animal and plant production in the tropics.
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