A Remote Sensing methodological approach for monitoring the contamination in Paraopeba River after the disaster in Brumadinho-MG
Brumadinho, Disaster, Water Remote SensingAbstract
The following article aims to present and discuss the monitoring, through Remote Sensing, of the dirt displacement caused by the collapse of the Córrego do Feijão’s dam I of mining waste, which occurred on January 25, 2019, in the rural area of Brumadinho, a city located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. This event is considered one of the greatest technoindustrial disasters in Brazilian history, placing in danger one of the largest hydrographic basin in Brazil: the São Francisco river basin. The search area comprises from where the sludge mud got in contact with the Paraopeba’s right bank to its mouth into the Três Marias Dam, adding up to approximately 315 km. For this monitoring the spectral band ratio method was utilized, using images from the sensors MSI/Sentinel-2 and OLI/Landsat-8 captured at different dates, employing standardization of means and variances to harmonize the range of the surface reflectance values in each image.
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