Morphoagronomic characterization of Landraces of Zea mays L. in an agroecological production system
Corn, Organic farming, MulchAbstract
The objective of this study was to verify if Landrace maize compared to conventional hybrid corn differ in cycle and morphoagronomic traits when grown in agroecological system. The experiment was conducted at the Center for Agricultural Research at the Passo Fundo University, in a randomized block design with five replications, three Landraces of Creole maize (“Cabo roxo”, “Aztequinha” and “FrancoBrazileiro”) and hybrid maize. conventional (22s18 - Sementes Sempre). The fertilizer inputs were made with organic compost and Efficient Microorganisms (MS). Spontaneous species population, phenological cycle, stem diameter, ear and grain characteristics and yield per hectare were evaluated. The treatments did not differ significantly in the evaluation of the cycle in days presenting statistical difference only in plant height at the end of the cycle, where the Landrace “Cabo roxo” presented height of 209,9 cm. Regarding plant and ear characterization, the treatments differed significantly only in the evaluation of grain weight per ear, where the conventional hybrid reached 170,4 g. Thus, it was found that there is little significant difference between the local breeds and the conventional hybrid in the agroecological production system using mulch mass.
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