Determination of intensive rainfall equations for the top of the northeast of Rio Grande do Sul
Intense rainfall, IDF equations, Relationship methodAbstract
The relationship intensity, duration and frequency is very important for the hydraulic project’s development, mainly in regions where there is no study updated data. This paper objective was to determine the intensity-duration-frequency curves at Rio Grande do Sul hillside, in order to provide tools for hydraulic structures design and hydrological studies in the region. For the return periods 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 and 100 - year precipitation determination was used Gumbel’s and log-normal statistical distributions, using the Rain Relationship Duration Method for 20 rainfall stations. For Gumbel’s distribution data adherence verification, was used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov adhesion tests and Chi-Square adhesion, with, 5% significance level. The general IDF equation coefficients a, b, c and d were obtained through non-linear regression and the adjustment quality was measured by both determination coefficient and standard error. Different intense rainfall curves were obtained with the methodology applied, for the region, each one shows a good parameters adjustment, important tool for extreme precipitations estimating.
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