pH values and presence of Escherichia coli in human water supply in an area of intense swine activity
Environmental contamination, Swine Manure, Bacteriological evaluationAbstract
Intensive swine activity in Santa Catarina presents itself as an environmental problem related to the management of the manure generated by this activity. Thus, it is usual to apply the waste in agricultural areas near the units of production of pigs, however, this practice when carried out without technical recommendation can cause soil and water sources pollution and/or contamination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pH values and E. coli presence in water sources in a region with intense swine activity in the State of Santa Catarina. Lentic and lotic water sources were evaluated in four rural properties and in the Coruja River, in the watershed of Coruja/Bonito River, in the municipality of Braço do Norte/SC, being that the pH values in water and the presence and quantification of thermotolerant coliforms, represented by the bacteria Escherichia coli, throught CONOMA resolution nº357/2005. The pH values were below the minimum limit established by the legislation and, for the bacteriological evaluation, the study points were below the limit established by the legislation also. However, the presence of these microrganisms indicates the constant arrival of material of enteric origin.
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