Influência da constante de Corrsin no cálculo dos coeficientes de difusão turbulentos
In this work, expressions for the eddy diffusivities are obtained using differents values from the Corrsin’s constant (γ= 0,44; γ= 0,55 and γ= 0,7). These eddy diffusivities are derived from the convective similarity theory and from the one dimensional vertical turbulent velocity spectrum, for unstable conditions. To test the influence of Corrsin’s constant in the evaluation of the eddy diffusivities, was utilized an Eulerian dispersion model that permits the pollutants concentration simulation and uses the eddy diffusivities here presented. The simulations of the concentrations were confronted with the observed concentrations in the Copenhagen experiment. The best results were obtained when the values for the Corrsin’s constant γ= 0,44 and γ= 0,55 are utilized in the eddy diffusivities.Downloads
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