Project of distribution network of electrical energy, mapping and study of demand impact of the Federal University of Santa Maria, campus of Cachoeira do Sul






About four years ago, the Campus of the Federal University of Santa Maria, located in the city of Cachoeira do Sul, is active and its activities are done on a provisional basis in properties in the central region and near the center. The Campus is currently in progress with its construction that will receive faculty, students and technical-administrative servers and will start with five undergraduate courses, and they are already in activity in the temporary Campus. An electrical distribution network project consists of improving the functioning of the Campus, taking into account that as it is still under construction, the Campus has provisionally provided electric power. The project proposal will meet the need required by the Campus, the AUTOCAD software will be necessary to carry out the project. Once the power grid project is obtained, a mapping and power flow modeling will be performed by the OPENDSS software and demand, and what will be the impacts of this new demand on the electric system in the region.


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Edgar Blücher, 2005.

ISSICABA, D. Fluxo de Potência para Rede de Distribuição de Energia Elétrica. Novas Edições Acadêmicas, 2016. 196p.



How to Cite

Biasotto, S. P., Guarda, F. G. K., & Martins, C. C. (2019). Project of distribution network of electrical energy, mapping and study of demand impact of the Federal University of Santa Maria, campus of Cachoeira do Sul. Ciência E Natura, 40, 300–304.