National Policy for Environmental Education, federal public educational institutions, public policies.Abstract
The importance of environmental education practices is undeniable, since they are designed to promote a healthy quality of life, according to art. 225 of the Federal Constitution, privileging the constitutional principle of the dignity of the human person, as well as encouraging the individual and the community to build social values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and skills aimed at environmental conservation. This study aimed to analyze extension and research projects focusing on the application of the Policy for Environmental Education - NPEE by federal public education institutions in two cities in the south of Minas Gerais (Itajubá and Pouso Alegre), in order to contribute to sustainable public policies. It was also necessary to investigate how the NPEE has been applied, whether this rule is effectively applicable or only empty letter of the legal order to be followed. Thus, the research had as a guiding question: are public educational institutions fulfilling the objectives of NPEE? As for the methodology, it is an exploratory research, carried out through the instruments of analysis of the documents, where the data were verified qualitatively, through analysis of content, hoping, without exhausting the subject in question, since in constant evolution, Contribute to strengthening the ways in which NPEE is applied in educational institutions.
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