Multitemporal analysis of land use in the watershed of the River Sarandi in Southwest of the Paraná State, Brazil using LANDSAT/TM
Satellite images, Digital classification, Image interpretationAbstract
The evaluation of the changes a particular location undergoes over several years may be carried out with the analysis of images in different periods of time. The objective of this study was to carry out the multi-temporal analysis of the land use on the Sarandi River watershed that has predominance of family farms and high agricultural potential and is located in the Southwest mesoregion of the state of Paraná, Southern Brazil. To verify the changes of land use in the basin was necessary to apply the linear image enhancement technique to improve spectral information and facilitate images interpretation. The classification method used was supervised as the Bhattacharya classifier, on LANDSAT/TM satellite’s images, from 1985 to 2010. The data were processed by SPRING and the results showed along these 25 years a 0.40% decline in forest cover, with decrease in grazing areas in a ratio of 4.21% and around 6.64% for exposed soil and a increase of 10.52% in agriculture, 0.62% in urban area and 0.11% in water blade. The evaluation of the accuracy of the mappings generated was made using as reference the images LANDSA/TM, IK ranged between (97.2 98.7%) and EG medium was 98% which indicates the efficiency of the classifier.Downloads
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