Deforestation, Geotechnology, Land use, AnthropizationAbstract
This paper aims to evaluate the pressure of anthropic transformation by the satellite Landsat 5 and 8 images, sensor (TM and OLI) for the years 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009 and 2014 in the Paraguai/Jauquara basin - Mato Grosso. The images were classified and processed in Spring software and thematic classes were quantified in Arcgis software. The degree of anthropization was verified through the Anthropic Transformation Index. Five classes were mapped, natural vegetation, masses of water, agriculture, pasture and other anthropic uses. Through Anthropic Transformation index was verified an increase in the degree of anthropization over the years in the sub-basin, the Jauquara river basin is with little degraded index and the others basins were classified as regular state, the intensification result of pasture and agriculture along with the reduction of natural vegetation.
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