Phytosociological structure of a natural association of the Inhanduvá Park with quebracho and cina-cina in Rio Grande do Sul State
Phytosociology, Inhanduva Park Vegetation.Abstract
The phytosociological structure of a park's natural vegetation located in the south-west of Rio Grande do Sul State, in a Quarai Chico River neighbouring area, and under ciliary forest influence, was studied. The vegetation is characterized by the existence of Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco Schlecht. (quebracho) and Parkineonia aculeata L. (cina-cina), as well as by the presence of numerous species of ciliary forest, associated with the three typical species of the Inhanduva Park. Since this is a rare association in Brazil and because it constitutes a very fragile ecosystem, we suggest its preservation.
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