Wood anatomy of Acacia plumosa Lowe (Leguminosae Mimosoideae)
The objective of this work is to study the wood anatomy of Acacia plumosa Lowe. The anatomical structure presents semi-ring porosity, vessel members of very short to short length, simple perforation plates, intervascular pits with vestures, axial parenchyma in paratracheal vasicentric and marginal crystalliferous arrangement, homogeneous and commonly biseriate rays, and septate libriform fibres. The presence of intercellular axial channels and cellular channels in the ray structure are of great taxonomic value. The late feature was unknown to the genus Acacia. The wood anatomy indicates that the species studied can be, classified in the series Vulgares Bentham, which corresponds, in general lines, to the sub-genus Aculeiferum of the Vassal's system.
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