Comparative study of the clay minerals of mesozoic and cenozoic rocks from the Central Depression of the Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil
Analysis by x - ray diffraction permited to compare the nature of the clay minerals of Mesozoic rocks from the Central Depression of the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil (Rosário do sul Formation, Santa Maria Formation and Caturrira Member of the Botucatu Formation) with those of Cenozoic rocks (Tertiary? ) which partially cover the first ones. In the Mesozoic rocks predominates the montmorillonite, followed by illite and by mixed-layer I-M (10-14M). On other hand, in Cenozoic rocks there is a complete predomination of kaolinite, with litle percentage of ilite, mixed-layer I-M (10-14M) and montmorillonite. This difference helps in the distinction between the two sequences, in places where the litologies are not fully conclusive. The predominance of montmorillonite in the Mesozoic and kaolinite in the Cenozoic can be explained by climatic differences and / or by others causes. In the case of climatic differences, the Cenozoic would have been much more wet than the Mesozoic.
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