Sistema ortogonal de energia geogênica e aplicação na arborização


  • Péricles Veiga Prof. Aposentado da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Studying the relationship between walls of still unknown energy,originated from inside earth, and fractures during six years, it was possible todetermine a relationship between networks of complex orthogonal systems,made up by multiple ranges and simple walls, and vertical fractures and othergeological structures, negative and positive influences in several organismssuch as trees, insects, birds, and fungi. This phenomenon was studied with"L" metallic bars. A total of 18 networks were identified and named OrthogonalSystem of Geogenic Energy. A detailed study of the networks and points(positions) as a result of crossing the walls of energy allowed to elaboratesome pre-techniques of planting trees and bushes, once growth of such plantsis proportional to the number of directions of energy that go by the locationthey are planted. It was concluded that it is possible to improve the productionin poor soils by planting trees in excellent points, which are not more that 10%of the total. Such technique has the potential of increasing fruit and woodproduction in tropical countries with soils with poor to moderate fertility


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How to Cite

Veiga, P. (2005). Sistema ortogonal de energia geogênica e aplicação na arborização. Ciência E Natura, 27(1), 45–60.