Wetlands construídos, influência pluviométrica, remoção de poluentes, evapotranspiração.Abstract
This study aimed to evaluate how pluviometric precipitation and evapotranspiration interfere with the efficiency of a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland used for domestic wastewater treatment. The study was developed in two phases of six months, the first evaluated without the influence of pluviometric precipitation (SIPP) and the second exposed to pluviometric precipitation (IPP). The constructed wetland is subsurface, with horizontal flow, it is vegetated with macrophytes and occupied with stone chips (“rachão”), gravel and sand. The equipments used for the measurement of water balance were an analogical rain gauge and two water meters, while to evaluate the treatment efficacy, the analysis of OBD (Oxygen Biochemical Demand), NTK (Nitrogen Total Kjeldal) and Pt (Phosphorus total) were realized in laboratory. The results showed that in the phase IPP the water balance faced significant changes due to the pluviometric volumes and evapotranspiration. The average removal efficiencies in the phases SIPP and IPP were 67,3% e 66,8% for DBO, 40% and 21% for NTK and 34,8% and 17,6% for Pt, respectively. The study showed that pluviometric precipitation and evapotranspiration rates influence the water balance of a constructed wetland, providing variations in hydraulic retention time of the efluente, what, as a consequence, interferes with the efficiency of removal of polluting loads.
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