SiB2, calibração, modelo de superfície, modulo de fotossíntese e condutância estomáticaAbstract
The goal of this work has been done the calibration of the Simple Biosphere Model (SiB2) for the Amazon Rain Forest, using micrometeorological measurements collected in the experimental site of the National Forest of Tapajós, km 83, PA, in 2002 and 2003. Firstly was adjusted the soil respiration equation according to the nocturnal atmospheric CO2 fluxes. The parameters of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance module were calibrated optimizing the slope of the equation of Ball & Berry, maximum photosynthetic capacity (Vmax0) , and optimizing the calculation of the fluxes of sensible and latent heat. In the end the total CO2 flux, or net ecosystem exchange, was compared with the observations resulting in a good performance. The new calibration showed a substantial improvement on previous calibration of SiB2 model for the Amazon Rain Forest.Downloads
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