arroz orgânico, sustentável, agroecologia, assentamento Novo Horizonte II, Santa Margarida do Sul/RS.Abstract
The article is about the production of organic rice in the settleent Novo Horizonte II, located in the municipality of Santa Margarida do Sul / RS. This is a alternative agriculture based on agroecology, considering economic, social and environmental concerns. The study area has the diversification in production, that ensuring the autonomous production and sustainability, providing the conditions of permanence of the man in the field. In this settlement various types of organic rice are produced, the settlers involved with this production system are constantly looking for the techniques, technologies, methods and methodologies to facilitate and better suited to this production, guaranteeing earningsin quality and quantity produced. This type of production potentiate the local and regional development. With the passage of time is noticed an improvement in consumer acceptance with organic products.Downloads
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