Muirajibóia amarela, características biométricas, germinação, fotoperíodoAbstract
Aimed to provide morphometric data of fruits and seeds, germination and post-seminal development of Swartzia recurva. Were evaluated: fresh weight, length, width and thickness of fruits / seeds. As for shape, color and texture pericarp and seeds observed shape, color, texture and presence of fleshy projections. The emergency was described, type of morphology of seedlings, hypocotyl and epicotyl, cot yledon and eophylls. The germination test was conducted in the light and continuous darkness, evaluating the percentage and speed of germination index, mean germination time, relative frequency, synchronization index, germination index on the light, shoot length and root mass fresh and dry seedling. The greatest variation occurs in the weight of the seeds. The seed has developed aryl, cream, linear hilum with a median position, surrounded by a rusty brown line distinguishing the seeds of this species, whose measures differ from other species of the genus. The presence of light at 30 ° C temperature promotes greater germination seeds indicating that this species behaves as a preferred positive photoblastic. Germination is hypogeal, the seedling is cryptocotylar. The young plant has woody stem, eophylls green-violet trifoliolate at the apex, slightly winged petioles and rachis and presence of stipules and stipels.
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