Código florestal, ecorregião, escassez hídrica, microbacia hidrográficaAbstract
The new environmental legislation refers in relation to the Permanent Preservation Areas (APP’s) equally for the entire national territory, not taking into account the specific environmental characteristics of each ecosystem, which has physiographic aspects, hydrological regime of the courses of water and dynamics of different land use. Thus, we sought to study to analyze the applicability of the New Forest Code about the Permanent Preservation Areas facing the problem, especially water resources of the Brazilian semiarid. Forward, there is the watershed Riacho Fundo located in the state of Paraiba, in the semiarid region that suffers from climatological issues, it has the lowest rainfall in the country, as well as environmental problems and use / disordered occupation. With the implementation of the new Law 12651/12, specified areas of APP’s have been reduced by 14.99% (Law 4771/65 old) to 5.31% of the total area of the watershed that is of 3757.89 hectares. However, it is essential that there is a proper establishment of rules for the APP’s, especially considering the Caatinga biome and their specific since, in the semiarid region, the rivers that make up ecosystems are mostly intermittent and ephemeral and where the areas protected by the legislation are commonly used to ebb cultivation, responsible for the livelihood of many families in the dry season.
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