Diários da prática pedagógica: limites e possibilidades para a investigação da aprendizagem dos alunos
https://doi.org/10.5902/1516849223796Palabras clave:
Curricular Training, Trainee-Teachers, Advances in Learning, Diaries of Pedagogical PracticeResumen
This study aims to establish a relationship between knowledge that teachers in situation of training construct in their initial education and the way they manage their students’ advances in learning in the practices carried out into the classroom. The material for this study are three Diaries of Pedagogical Practice – DPP, elaborated by teachers, in situation of training, from three Units of Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB) – Educação a distância, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM/RS, when carrying out their supervising curricular training in Portuguese Language. The trainings, curricular component of Language Course – Portuguese and Literatures, were carried out into high school groups, in 2011. In seeking answers to the question of how teachers in initial education, in situation of curricular training, identify the advances in learning of their students, we encountered diverse and conflicting situations, but that in a general view, they do not have punctual answers from trainee-teachers, either because they did not develop the necessary perception, or due to simply, inexperience and cause ignorance.Descargas
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