About Anas and Marias (Or How Everything Changes and Stays the Same)
A reading on perplexities and warnings in Hilda Hilst
Hilda Hilst, Political theater, Repression, Female Sexual RevolutionAbstract
The play O visitante, wrote at 1968, configure an aesthetic experience that can be read as a political response to the context of that time since, because the Brazilian Military Dictatorship had characterized a picture of coercion of the subjectiveness that by promoting a process of alienation in society, began to suscitate an attitude of engagement in arts. When the theater of Hilda Hilst delineates the social context where it was inserted, it promotes a reading of the human being statute in order to evaluate its potentialities, in Hilst, the reason is insufficient to think the world the same way that faith does; the love is read, like a metaphor to think the emptiness of the human desire and the loss of its critical sensitivity that supports the same fascism that they are victims.
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