Forgetting, silencing or sharing trauma: some experiences of traumatic memory in contemporary culture


  • Julia Massucheti Tomasi



Traumatic memory, Forgetfulness, Remembrance


The last decades of the twentieth century, a period of intense disruptions and strong acceleration of the lived experience of time, seen the emergence of memory, and later, its obsession. Questioning what are the memories of that century, one can highlight the traumatic experiences through wars, massacres and genocide. Thus, the article seeks to address certain experiences of traumatic memories as a basis initially adopting the Second World War, an event that generated memories for many people banned, blocked, forgotten and / or silenced, as the former Nazi victims and survivors, especially those of concentration camps. It also aims to outline thoughts about the traumatic memories of mourning the death of a loved one, emphasizing especially the survivors of the massacre of the Italian town Civitella Val di Chiana and the mourners who share their grief in the pages of the Internet, as sites cemeteries online and social network Orkut.


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Author Biography

Julia Massucheti Tomasi

Mestranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (PPGH-UDESC)


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How to Cite

Tomasi, J. M. (2012). Forgetting, silencing or sharing trauma: some experiences of traumatic memory in contemporary culture. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (9), 69–86.