Fire signs, fire warning: aesthetic, historical and literary ideas in Jorge de Sena and Walter Benjamin




Exile, Totalitarianism, Memory, Autobiography


This essay brings close Jorge de Sena’s novel, Signs of fire, to Walter Benjamin’s IV Thesis from Theses on the Philosophy of History, particularly regarding the warning, made by both authors, about the approximation between totalitarian regimes in Europe. The portuguese writer’s exile in Brazil is related to an inflexion on literary genders, since it’s at the early 60’s of the XX century that Sena will firm his writing in prose. The intention, through the reading of the short story “Homenagem ao papagaio verde”, is to demonstrate the irony and ambivalence present in the bond between Jorge de Sena and the Brazilian nation that was also about to submit to the Military Dictatorship.


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Author Biography

Sabrina Sedlmayer, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG

Professora do curso de Letras da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG).


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How to Cite

Sedlmayer, S. . (2023). Fire signs, fire warning: aesthetic, historical and literary ideas in Jorge de Sena and Walter Benjamin. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (5).