The Narrator's Redemption




Stories, Cultures, Education, Experience


Aiming at presenting some concerns on the ability of telling stories, which is becoming rarer and rarer in a society characterized by its instrumental and utilitarian technique, we took as presupposition the word as an indispensable element to the human condition. This perspective regarding the word as a constituent element of experience is based on Walter Benjamin's approach, in an interpretation which takes into account the lived historical moment, thinking about the contradictions and the man's and the culture's paradoxes. The loss of the narrating ability, of transmitting the experience through words, points to one of the problems that the scientific and technological development unlinked to the human condition has contemplated. Although there are problems concerning the act of exalting the narrative model, considering its conservative aspect, it is undeniable the change of experiences and the interaction among the individuals. This way, we evaluate the school, in its first years, mainly as a space where the act of telling stories can enrich the formative character of the school environment, making possible the imagination, the vocabulary and the awakening of the curiosity, among other possibilities.


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Author Biography

João Luis Pereira Ourique, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul

 Dr. em Letras pela UFSM


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How to Cite

Ourique, J. L. P. (2008). The Narrator’s Redemption. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (11).

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