"¿Which was the true salvation, the one that walked or the one that was seen walking?" (Tamaro, 2008, p. 68): power relations as determinants of identity and alterity in Salvación, by Susanna Tamaro





Identity, Alterity, Salvación, Susanna Tamaro


Migration is a phenomenon that is part of everyday life worldwide. In Susanna Tamaro's short story "Salvación", this theme is approached from the perspective of an illegal immigrant (homonymous to the short story) who, starting from an underdeveloped country with few opportunities, seeks a job in Rome that will allow her to support her mother and the brothers. Salvación does not share the language, customs and rules of behavior of the place to which she migrates, assuming the role of the “other”. In this article, we approach the configurations of identity and otherness throughout Tamaro's text, having as a guiding principle the positions and attitudes of the protagonist.


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Author Biography

Ana Paula Cantarelli, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Doutorado em Letras com período sanduíche na Universidad de Guadalajara, no México.


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How to Cite

Cantarelli, A. P. (2010). "¿Which was the true salvation, the one that walked or the one that was seen walking?" (Tamaro, 2008, p. 68): power relations as determinants of identity and alterity in Salvación, by Susanna Tamaro. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (16), e1. https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X73828